I am in the dead center of a hot bed of racing. Time fly's this time of year and with every passing weekend I cannot believe it is the next. Quality training comes early in the week in hopes to be rested for the weekend and before I know it its Monday and I'm still without a race report, from 2 races ago! Along with training and racing life still moves around you so the hustle of life keeps any free moment occupied.
Two weekends ago or the day after my victory at the MTU Ronde I took the line in Green Bay at WORS #9 Reforestation. Unlike the beautiful weather we were dealt the day before the rain greeted us all morning creating a slippery mess for the first part of the race This may be the rainiest year I've experienced for racing and the ironic thing is we are having a dry summer. 3 of the 9 races have been a muddy mess. Anticipating the rain I made a front tire change the night before. It paid off because our first lap was about staying upright. The succeeding 2nd and 3rd lap were great as the the rain stopped and firmed up the sandy course allowing my semi wet tread tire to grip into every turn.

The race started fast as Cole H. had the idea of a solo race from the beginning. A lead group of 7 broke into the single track and surprisingly stayed together for awhile as we twisted through the woods. This course will usually break the group fairly soon because of the snake like turns. The course turns so much it is tough to concentrate on the wheel in front of you much less 6 guys in front of you. Mentioned because, as I floated on the back Cole broke away and was up the trail with a 45 second gap. This explained our crazy fast pace at every opportunity, we were chasing. I tried to move my way up the group before each piece of single track but didn't have it and got stuck on the back each time so every time we exited on to 2 track I was forced into red line to bridge the gap. In a 2 hour race you can only burn so many matches before the legs tell you "No" if you want to survive. A lap and half into the 3 lap race I let go of the group. I spun into a short recovery and hooked up with Corey S. for the remainder of the race. Nearing a 1/2 lap left I was recovered enough and riding smoothly to put in a last dig to the finish. I was able to secure a 5th place with the effort.
I was pleased with my weekend of racing and happy to nab another WORS podium. Things are going better than the goals that were put into place in the early season. The racing season starts to get long this time of year so resting in training becomes more important each day. I hope to keep finding the correct formula as I finish up this 6 week stretch of racing that started with the O2S. I'll finish it up with the Cheq 40 in 2 weeks. I'll follow that up with a short break and prep the body for the last 2 WORS races and some UPCX.
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