Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Future Posts

I've taken a bit of time away from the thoughts of cycling and team to give my mind a well needed rest after a long season.  It all started last January on the Pugsley and wrapped up in November on the Superfly.  My travels took me from California to Idaho and all around the Midwest.  The great thing is, my body feels great and ready to go but it's not all about the body.  The mind needs to be rested too.

I'm getting back into the swings of planning and I'll share a few things in the next couple weeks or so that is on my mind.  The team, off season training, planned races, thank you's, and a few other topics.  

1 comment:

  1. Ty...I am so happy you have reached your goals. You have been a joy to watch and a great supporter through cyclocross. As you said....this has been a summer of change and courage. You handled both beautifully! Enjoy your well deserved rest! Janet
