An Upper Peninsula MTB Team racing for the growth of our community.
Monday, September 26, 2011
A Real MTB Race - WORS #11 Bear Paw
I'm not sure why but when it rains and gets muddy people tend to call it a "Real MTB Race." In my opinion anytime your on knobby tires hitting dirt, rocks, roots, and single track it's a "Real" MTB race rain or sun, but I do see their view of yesterdays race. I left the UP in the morning deciding to skip the day's before pre-ride. We left a sunny morning behind and as soon as we hit Wisco the rain started and never really stopped. As I dressed it was a small drizzle but just before the start the rain increased and only got worse as the race went on.
I consider myself a fairly prepared person. I travel with extra gear and tools that a bike or rider may need during a weekend. I always travel with 2-3 sets of tires and I was sure glad I traveled with my Mud tires yesterday. An hour before the race as the rain increased I told my dad we need to change to a mud tire. The sport and citizen riders were coming in caked in mud. Not just a film but an inch think. We mounted up a pair of Bontrager MudX and I was extremely happy how they mounted so easy. This last hour choice was the difference in my race.
I mentioned I come pretty prepared but I did forget one thing yesterday and that was my supply of Power Shots and electrolytes. Come to find out I wasn't the only one and Big D and Krayer form 212 did also so we went to the one guy that we knew could hook us up. We hunted down Power Bars Nathan Guerra and we dug into his stash of Power Shots like kids on Halloween. This would have been a site for Power Bar, a bunch of Elite riders hoarding their shots. Thank you Nathan.
The start hits a corner right away and a deaf dog could of heard us coming around it as the breaks squealed from the rain that drenched our equipment. To the 4 step climb Nathan, Cole, and Eppen got a small gap. Big D and I were close behind. Right before the first single track we almost connected but exiting they had lengthened their lead. It was me and Darrin and I figured we could work to possibly bring them back especially in the conditions when a rider can go down at any time. But their was no working together as the rider behind didn't dare draft because he would be sprayed with a never ending rooster tail of mud. As we started more single track I was actually surprised at the speed we were able to go and I was happy with the pace Darrin was riding, he was moving well in the mud. Then the hills started and his rear tire was sliding back and forth and this is when I noticed that the MudX had a huge advantage. As he spun out I dug in. At the top of the climb he dismounted and I continued to ride. The more I cornered on the MudX's the more confidence I gained and before I knew it I was riding alone. Nearing the end of the first lap I was gaining on a rider and to my surprise it was Nathan. He was experiencing the same problems as the others and could not keep his tires stable. I followed him and was amazed at his skill with no tread has he drifted the corners and managed to keep control and at the same time noticed as he drifted I dug in. Starting the 2nd lap he made me work hard on the two track. When his tread was clear he was riding strong and fast but it was a repeat of the 1st lap, we starting the climbs and I was able to dig in and got away during his dismount. At the end of the 2nd lap I noticed Eppen and I now figured I could battle for 2nd. I rode a really smooth and good 3rd lap but he point time on me. Nearing the end of the 3rd I thought I heard specators talking about laps. Come to find out they were telling me it was the last lap. At the lap intersections the officials pulled us off a lap early and I rolled in 3rd place. I would have been alright doing another lap but I can see why they pulled us as the conditions were getting worse by the minute.
My highest and strongest Elite WORS finish. Ironically it came on a course that took some skill because of the mud and I'm not very skilled compared to the other top riders. This was a very proud moment for me. It was a season goal of mine to get on the top 5 steps of the podium this year. It was all made better by the congratulations of the other riders especially the 212 guys. They made me feel so good about it and I can't thank them enough for making it special for me. It was also special to share it with my parents as they were 2 of the few fans that stood on the course the whole time as it down poured.
Here is the inteview after the race. Claire gave me a warm rag to clean up with and you can see in the video I kept using it to keep from shivering. Thank you Claire for the interview and especially the rag.
Tyler- Congrats on your great ride sunday! How is your bike holding up this week?
Corey, thank you. I had to rebuild my bike. New brakes, cables, and housing. Along with taking it apart. It took a pretty good beating.