Wednesday, July 7, 2010

First, Middle, and Last

After a subpar performance at the Subaru Cup 2 weekends ago I had to reevaluate my training plan.  My training had been going awesome up to that point and I was feeling good.  I was pleased with my results and progress.  I had successfully moved up to Cat 1 after some dominant races in Cat 2 and even managed a top 10 and a top 20 finish in my first Pro/Elite races.  That progression came to a crashing halt last week.  I even tried to ignore it and attended the Tuesday Night Ride to mix up the training and have some fun but when my legs suffered sitting in the group I knew it was time, time for rest.

I'm not sure why but I struggle with the word "rest" implemented into my training program.  As nice as it sounds to do nothing for a few days I'm not one to sit around.  I like to be active and know that I'm progressing in something.  I know I need it  it's just making myself do it.  I reviewed my training log and realized that in my 13 weeks of training, with exception to rest before races and a slight lighter week 6 weeks ago, I have not taken a rest week yet.  Yup, it was time and most likely overdue.

I took 4 days completely off the bike last week through the 4th of July holiday.  I didn't look at my bikes or even think about them.  I made myself take a training vacation.  It has paid off as I felt better with each day of rest and was motivated to begin training again.  I've now broken my season down to 3 sections first, middle, and last.  Each section has a significant race and will keep my on a schedule for rest.  Bring on the middle.      


  1. Don`t forget who you decided to race against down at the pro xtc...that was most definitly an all-star line-up down there at wors.
    When in doubt rest...better a little undertrained than being even close to overtrained.Its a long season.

  2. Tyler.....great race. Here is a photo stream with a bunch of you in it. Thanks for coming down to do our event.

