First off, huge props to Troy Meives and Jim Chapman on designing a stellar course at WORS #6. The course was primarily fast and flowing single-track. It was some of the most fun single-track I've been on all year. It's hard packed, smooth, and used the natural flow of the earth. Although extremely flat it was a lung burning fiesta.
Did I mention it was dry and dusty!
I had contemplated skipping this race because I was not up for the 5 1/2 hour drive but decided to trek on because I did not want to lose my spot in the
top 10 overall standings. Being in the top 10 with the competition that shows up to the WORS events is a huge accomplishment for me and I in no way want to be knocked out because I didn't feel like going so onward I went.
I'm coming of a pretty hard training week after a rest week so I wasn't expecting great legs but I did feel OK. My performance fell off a bit at the end, mostly because of heat, which was to be expected. The race started on two track to spread things out and I found myself sitting about 10th. I struggle with this because I know I can be in a higher position but for some reason I don't feel like I belong yet. I just need to through feelings aside and race! Anyhow, we entered single track and as always it yo-yoed back spreading the field. I found myself just off the back from the chase group. A group of pro's formed a lead group and a bunch of others chase. After the 1st lap I trailed a chase group of 10 by about 10 sec but had no one behind me for over 30 seconds. I was truly in no man's land. I gave every ounce of effort to catch that group but a group of 10 is so much stronger than a single rider. They never pulled away I just could not make ground. Single track would come and still no success at attaching. After the 2nd lap I had given so much energy to catch them that the 3rd lap really became a struggle. I was caught by a few and then by a chasing group of 5 or so. I attached to this group until at the end of the 3rd lap 3 pulled off leaving us in a group of 5. On the final lap I would not let myself lose this group as much as my body begged to let go. It paid off because I won the group sprint placing me 14th overall and taking the last payout/podium spot.
Thank you to my mother for traveling with me this weekend you make all things possible. Also to Ann Niemi for keeping her company. My races would not be possible without team support and my sponsors.
Pictures courtesy of Troy Meives